Acid / base properties are very important in Organic Chemistry. The loss of a proton is one means to generate a new carbon-carbon bond, so you need to know the pKa for various types of X-H bonds. This will allow you to predict the outcome of many organic reactions.
There are several definitions for what an acid or base is. We will start our discussion with Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases.
Brønsted-Lowry define acids as a molecule which can donate a proton (H+). A base is an atom or molecule which can accept a proton. (Note: this imposes the criteria that a base must have a lone pair of electrons to "accept" the proton.) They react together to produce a conjugate base, the deprotonated form of the acid, and conjugate acid, the protonated form of the base.
The generic reaction equation for an acid and base is shown below.
Since the ability of a molecule to donate a proton depends on the molecular structure, a more specific description of the structure is important to understand the complex equilibria involved in acid-base reactions and organic chemistry.
Structurally a Brønsted-Lowry acid can be any atom (or atom within a molecule) that is bonded to a hydrogen atom by a σ-bond. The formal charge on the H atom is most often positive (+1) or neutral (0) and very rarely negative (-1). The overall charge of the molecule can be zero or negative as seen in polyprotic acids such as carbonic acid (bicarbonate) or sulfuric acid (hydrogen sulfate).
In contrast a Brønsted-Lowry base can be any atom (or atom in a molecule) with an unshared or non-bonding pair of electrons. This lone pair of electrons is indictaed in Lewis structures as two dots near the basic atom. The formal charge on this basic atom is most often neural or negative (rarely positive), however, a negative charge does not guarantee that it will be reactive. Anions such as nitrate, bromide, chloride and even sulfate are very stable and unreactive as bases for structural reasons discussed below.
"Strong acid - strong base goes to weak acid - weak base" is the classic definition of Brønsted-Lowry acid-base chemistry as explained in General Chemistry courses. Unfortunately that definition is too simplistic for wide application in organic chemistry. The proton transfer mechanisms seen in acid-base reactions are rapid and reversible and are best described as equilibrium processes where the protons are in a never-ending transfer between competing lone pair electrons on different molecules. It is difficult to describe the acid-base chemistry in absolute terms since there are a large number of acids and bases and reactivities are similiar for apparently diverse structures.
A structural definition of acid strength is more valuable in gaining a useful problem solving prespective while removing the absolutes implied by the terms strong and weak which might be modified to better emphasize the equilibrium nature of acid-base reactions. Thus, in terms of structure, a "stronger" acid is one where the atom whose σ-bond to the hydrogen atom is more polarized and hence more easily dissociated, and hence upon reaction the conjugate base's new lone-pair will be more delocalized (diffuse) and hence more difficult to reprotonate. Conversely, a "stronger" base is an atom whose lone-pair is more localized (focused) making it capable of attracting a proton, and hence upon reaction the conjugate acid's new σ-bond to the hydrogen atom is more difficult to dissociate. The reaction between an acid and a base can be represented mechanistically as:
where the two red mechanism arrows (bond-to-atom and lone-pair-to-atom) denotes a basic lone-pair that is attracted to an acidic H atom, as well as the dissociation of the acid's σ-bond with the release of the electrons to form the lone-pair on the conjugate base. The equal length arrows would emply that the equilibrium reaction lies in the middle, or approximately equal amounts or produces and reactants. Of course unequal equilbrium reactions exist, the following reaction favours the prodcuts, as indicated by the unsymmetric equilibrium arrows:
while the following reaction now favours the reactants.
Note the change in sign for the enthalpy of the reaction, ΔH. The first reaction proceeds from the strong(er) acid and strong(er) base to the weak(er) conjugate acid and weak(er) conjugate base, accompanied by the release of energy. The reverse reaction would also be possible but now moving from weak(er) acid and base to strong(er) acid and base and hence the enthaply is positive.
The description of the relative strength of an acid is given by the pKa which will gauge the likelihood that a reaction will occur. The reaction commonly refers to aqueous solution where the acid or conjugate acid will dissociate producing the conjugate base or base and hydronium (H3O+). The pH (concentration of hydronium) can be easily determined by experimental methods.
Since known concntrations of acid are added and the conjugate base (or base) is produced in a 1:1 ratio with hydronium, the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of the proton, defined as the Keq can be determined as:
Although one would normally include all of the products in the equilibrium expression, in this case the solvent water is in vast excess to the other chemicals so that its concentration effectively remains constant at 55 mol/L or 55 M. Since it is unaffect by the reaction it is removed from the denominator by multipling both sides of the expression by the concentration of water resulting in the Ka:
Strong acids dissociate completely in water resulting in large Ka values, see the Table below for some common acids and their Ka and pKa values. Weak acids on the otherhand dissociate only to a limited amount and the concentrations can be very small. As a result it is common to use the pKa for comparison.
pKa values are used widely in organic chemistry to determine whether acid-base reactions occur by comparing the strength of the acid and conjugate acid. The product side of the reaction will be favoured when the acid is stronger that the conjugate acid (the acid has the lower pKa value). The reactant side of the reaction will be favoured when the conjugate acid has the lower pKa.
Common Acids and their Conjugate base acid base Ka pKa name formula formula name perchloric acid HClO4 ClO4- perchlorate 1.0 x 1010 -10 hydroiodic acid HI I- iodide 3.2 x 109 -9.51 hydrobromic acid HBr Br- bromide 1.0 x 109 -9.00 hydrochloric acid HCl Cl- chloride 1.3 x 108 -8.12 sulfuric acid H2SO4 HSO4- bisulfate 1.0 x 103 -3.00 hydronium H3O+ H2O water 5.0 x 101 -1.70 nitric acid HNO3 NO3- nitrate 2.4 x 101 -1.38 chloric acid HClO3 ClO3- chlorate 1.0 x 101 -1.00 oxalic acid HO2C2O2H HO2C2O2- hydrogen oxalate 5.4 x 10-2 1.27 sulfurous acid H2SO3 HSO3- bisulfite 1.3 x 10-2 1.89 chlorous acid HClO2 ClO2- chlorite 1.1 x 10-2 1.96 bisulfate acid HSO4- SO42- sulfate 1.0 x 10-2 2.00 phosphoric acid H3PO4 H2PO4- dihydrogen phosphate 7.1 x 10-3 2.15 nitrous acid HNO2 NO2- nitrite 7.2 x 10-4 3.14 hydrofluoric acid HF F- fluoride 6.6 x 10-4 3.18 formic acid HCO2H HCO2- formate 1.8 x 10-4 3.74 hydrogen selenide H2Se HSe- hydroselenide 1.3 x 10-4 3.89 benzoic acid C6H5COOH C6H5OO- benzoate 6.3 x 10-5 4.20 hydrogen oxalate HO2C2O2- -O2C2O2- oxalate 5.4 x 10-5 4.27 hydrazoic acid HN3 N3- azide 2.5 x 10-5 4.60 acetic acid CH3COOH CH3OO- acetate 1.8 x 10-5 4.74 carbonic acid H2CO3 HCO3- bicarbonate 4.4 x 10-7 6.36 hydrogen sulfide H2S HS- hydrosulfide 1.1 x 10-7 6.96 dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4- HPO42- hydrogen phosphate 6.3 x 10-8 7.20 bisulfite HSO3- SO32- sulfite 6.2 x 10-8 7.21 hypochlorous acid HClO ClO- hypochlorite 2.9 x 10-8 7.54 hydrocyanic acid HCN CN- cyanide 6.2 x 10-10 9.21 ammonium NH4+ NH3 ammonia 5.8 x 10-10 9.24 boric acid H3BO3 H2BO3- dihydrogen borate 5.8 x 10-10 9.24 bicarbonate HCO3- CO32- carbonate 4.7 x 10-11 10.33 hydrogen phosphate HPO4- PO43- phosphate 4.2 x 10-13 12.38 dihydrogen borate H2BO3- HBO32- hydrogen borate 1.8 x 10-13 12.74 hydrosulfide HS- S2- sulfide 1.3 x 10-13 12.88 hydrogen borate HBO32- BO33- borate 1.6 x 10-14 13.80 water H2O HO- hydroxide 1.8 x 10-16 15.74 methanol CH3OH CH3O- methoxide 3.2 x 10-16 15.49 hydrogen H2 H- hydride 1.0 x 10-36 36.00 ammonia NH3 NH2- nitride/amide 1.0 x 10-38 38.00 methane CH4 CH3- methide 1.0 x 10-48 48.00
The results of these Ka and pKa determinations can provide a perspective on the magnitude of the equilibria.A Strong Acid
Consider hydrochloric acid (HCl), the acid dissociation reaction is shown below:
The Ka and pKa values of 1 x108 and -8 respectively result from measuring a pH equating to a 10,000:1 ratio of dissociated acid to un-ionized HCl. In other terms the "odds" of finding an un-ionized molecule of HCl are 1 in 10,000. In these terms a "strong acid" can be quantitatively described as a solution with a very high probability of coming in contact with a proton dissociated from the acid.A Weak Acid
A weaker carboxylic acid (acetic acid CH3CO2H) can be considered the same way:
The Ka and pKa values of 1.58 x10-5 and 4.8 respectively result from measuring a pH equating to a 1:63,095 ratio of dissociated acid to un-ionized acetic acid. In other terms the "odds" of finding an un-ionized molecule of HCl are 63,095 in 1. In these terms a "weak acid" can be quantitatively described as a solution with a very low probability of coming in contact with a proton dissociated from the acid.A Very Weak Acid
Compare this now to the very weak acid of an alcohol (methanol (CH3OH) which can be considered the same way:
The Ka and pKa values of 3.2 x10-16 and 15.49 respectively describe a solution where the odds of finding a dissociated proton are extremely small at 1 in 312,500,000,000,000 or 1:3.12515, this is smaller than identifying one single human on the entire planet, it is less than identifying one single star in the Milky Way galaxy.An Extremely Weak Acid
Compare this now to the extremely weak acid of an alkane (2-methylpropane (CH3)3CH) which can be considered the same way:
The Ka and pKa values of 1 x10-53 and 53 respectively describe a solution where the odds of finding a dissociated proton are vanishingly small at 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1:1053, the is MUCH smaller than all of the stars in the universe.